About Us
Hello. I’m Bevan Simpkin, and I’ve been a sparky for over 25 years. For those who don’t know me, here’s my story!
I was brought up in Dargaville, Kaipara. I did my apprenticeship in the late nineties with North West Electrical there. We serviced mainly rural clientele, working with pumps, cowsheds, controls and coolstores. One highlight of this time was the early development of the Kwik-Kold Dairy Chiller system – if you’re a Dairy Farmer, google it – it’s a pretty impressive energy recycling system that will improve your milk quality by snap-chilling.
In the early 2000s, I worked as a salesman and product specialist at an Auto Electrical wholesaler. My electrical training stood me in good stead with the customers, as I understood their jargon and could offer solutions based on experience.
I moved to Paparoa in 2004, where we raised 3 of our 4 children and participated in the local community as a volunteer fire-fighter. Again, I worked as a sparky, servicing the Otamatea area and working on farm, factory and commercial electrics.
In 2011, we moved here to Warkworth. By now I was a Marketing Manager, handling technical product enquiries, sending e-mail newsletters and designing monthly flyers. The company I was working for was sold, and I was a victim of the dreaded yet expected ‘restructure’.
In August 2016, I boldly stepped out the door and went and bought my sparky van. I am now self-employed, and loving it. Electrical is my passion – once a sparky, always a sparky they say!
So, that’s me. A simple bloke with an in-built desire for excellence and customer satisfaction! Contact me now